Monday, June 13, 2011

Why I run

If you would have asked me a year ago if I considered myself a "runner" I would have laughed in your face.  Sure, I ran errands, ran to the mailbox, ran after my kids, but that was the extent of my running.  I had never been a runner, not even when I was younger.  I was always that kid in gym class that tied my shoes numerous times when having to run, and I think the furthest I had ever run in my life was maybe a mile in college.  All that being said, it wasn't much, I didn't like to run.  I didn't like to diet either, but that's a whole other post.

In January, a friend of mine, as well as some of my closest internet friends, challenged me to train for my first 5K.  Never to turn down a challenge, and wanting to lose those last 40 post-baby pounds, I accepted and on January 3 started running.  Fast-forward to today and I have successfully completed 3 5K's and started training for my very first half-marathon today (Ahhhhh!).  During my run tonight I started thinking about why I run.  What is it that makes me now enjoy something that I used to despise?  Why do I look forward to my evening runs and miss it when I can't do it?  Well, now you will know.  I hope you will read this and be encouraged, and feel free to comment and add your own.  :)

I run because:
-  it is the only hour of the day where NO ONE touches me
-  I get to pick the music
-  The sense of accomplishment I feel when I cross the finish line at a race
-  To teach my girls the value of being fit
-  No matter how slow I run, the kids can't catch me
-  I don't have to listen to anyone whining
-  For the first time in my life, I can set a goal and accomplish it in real time.

Why do you run??

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