Thursday, June 16, 2011

I'm finally THERE

I have always been the almost girl.  In HS I was in theater and speech, getting great roles in plays where I was never quite the star but almost.  Cast as Glenda the Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz, the "pretty one" in Prime of Ms Jean Brodie, and understudy to "Madge" in Picnic.  I never considered myself to be beautiful by any means but apparently I had a look that the director liked.  I was also the mascot.  Acting a fool on the sidelines, embarrassing the cheerleaders, and not quite being "popular".  Sure, I was known by EVERYONE.  Finalist for most humorous, once again ALMOST, my good friends were the ones winning the awards.

Then I get to college.  I still remember my mom telling me, "This is going to be your time!"  Oh, how I hoped she was right.  I joined a sorority, where I was great at recruiting, and always well known, but never elected to officer.  Once again I mascotted, but never felt like I fit in with the cheerleaders.  And once again, my closest friends were winning Homecoming Queen and Miss HBU.  So close!!!  I graduated, got married, and began my life as a "coach's wife."

Fast-forward to now.  Wow!  I feel like I have finally made it.  When I began my job as an LBC with Juice in the City in January, never in a million years did I know where this would go.  Now here I am, 6 months later, blessed beyond belief.  People KNOW me!  People talk about me, and it's not bad.  I am one of the top producers in our company with sourcing and my market is growing my leaps and bounds.  Twice this week, I was stopped by people in the parking lot at VBS who told me how much they LOVE JITC and the great deals we offer.

Finally, I made it.  I have found my niche.  It only took me 30 years, but I'm here.  And I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon.

Speaking of JITC, check out our awesome deal I found today, for Fun Tiki in Missouri City.  Have I mentioned how much I love my job???

Monday, June 13, 2011

Why I run

If you would have asked me a year ago if I considered myself a "runner" I would have laughed in your face.  Sure, I ran errands, ran to the mailbox, ran after my kids, but that was the extent of my running.  I had never been a runner, not even when I was younger.  I was always that kid in gym class that tied my shoes numerous times when having to run, and I think the furthest I had ever run in my life was maybe a mile in college.  All that being said, it wasn't much, I didn't like to run.  I didn't like to diet either, but that's a whole other post.

In January, a friend of mine, as well as some of my closest internet friends, challenged me to train for my first 5K.  Never to turn down a challenge, and wanting to lose those last 40 post-baby pounds, I accepted and on January 3 started running.  Fast-forward to today and I have successfully completed 3 5K's and started training for my very first half-marathon today (Ahhhhh!).  During my run tonight I started thinking about why I run.  What is it that makes me now enjoy something that I used to despise?  Why do I look forward to my evening runs and miss it when I can't do it?  Well, now you will know.  I hope you will read this and be encouraged, and feel free to comment and add your own.  :)

I run because:
-  it is the only hour of the day where NO ONE touches me
-  I get to pick the music
-  The sense of accomplishment I feel when I cross the finish line at a race
-  To teach my girls the value of being fit
-  No matter how slow I run, the kids can't catch me
-  I don't have to listen to anyone whining
-  For the first time in my life, I can set a goal and accomplish it in real time.

Why do you run??